Today is mother's day and also the end of my 1st Last Known Locations show here in San Francisco at the Little Raven Gallery. I am amazed at what we were able to do with only a budget of $900 graciously donated by some amazing individuals through my GoFundMe campaign!
The show went on for 3 days showcasing my 6 paintings as well as 10 additional pieces with 4 other bay area artists: Adam Caldwell, Jacob Dhein, Daniel Segrove and Zin Lim. These 10 pieces were a part of a Silent Auction where 50% of the proceeds went towards Project Jason, a non profit that provides resources for missing person's families.
Print packets were also available for purchase at the show, creatively designed by Cody Maemori.
I've learned so much from this first show and am excited and confident to eventually move on to the rest of the cities, Hawaii being next. My plan is to complete all 6 shows over a span of around 12 years, giving myself room to continue to develop newer works and help build up an audience that could potentially grow to reach my mom. I've been blessed and overwhelmed to have such loving supporters and friends and this is an experience I will keep with me forever.
Thank you to everyone who donated, supported and sent me messages of love. An extra special thank you to my amazing boyfriend Nathaniel Evans...whom without I would have been running around like a headless chicken.
Mom, I hope you can read this and know that I think about you all the time, and that I've never stopped loving you. No matter what situation you may be in, I am here waiting with no judgments--just love and care.
Happy mother's day! 💗